Host Jump
Ransomware increasingly jumps from a purely digital phenomenon to one that shuts down physical systems as well. We’ve seen incidents shutting down metro systems, hospitals, and now even targeting critical infrastructure. These viruses are become far more virulent, and as they become more profitable for their instigators, a wide variety of variants are emerging. It was only a matter of time before they began compromising art.
Host Jump is a series of pre-existing artworks that have all been treated with an additional application of paint and graphics pulled from the 2017 Petya ransomware. Like their digital counterparts, the effected art-pieces remain unavailable unless the ransom is paid, in which case the owner is sent a key consisting of a recorded set of instructions on how to retrieve the underlying artwork.
2021 - Found Artworks with Frames, Paint – dimensions vary by piece
A blog post with some of the concepts I was pondering while making this can be found here - [Blog]
A gallery with high-resolution images of this series can be found here - [Gallery]

Host Jump by Mac Pierce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available following an inquiry.